Sterling Invest

Sterling Invest Share Portfolios

Share portfolios are for investors that want to directly own a portfolio of shares listed on the stock market, carefully tailored, taking their personal objectives and preferences into account. In collaboration with our world-class stockbroker and platform provider, DMA Sterling Invest offers both local and offshore share portfolios on a managed or non-managed basis. Through our institutional-level relationship with DMA, we get access to market-leading, low brokerage fees.

Our stockbroker (DMA) gives investors the flexibility to hold listed shares, ETF’s and unit trusts within their share portfolios, a truly global and unconstrained investment universe. We are also recognized discretionary investment managers on the Sanlam Glacier and Glacier International platforms, enabling our investors to establish share portfolios within tax-efficient structures such as endowments, retirement annuities and living annuities.

  • Why Share Portfolios?
  • Services & Fees
  • Share Portfolio Investment Structures

We often get asked why an investor should consider setting up a share portfolio to invest into shares when they could just invest via a unit trust fund or ETF’s to get market exposure. Below we list a few compelling advantages of a share portfolio over a unit trust fund or ETF: