Sterling Invest

SIMP Alpha Process

How we construct models (the SIMP Alpha process)

The SIMP Alpha process we use to build and maintain our model unit trust portfolio offering incorporates in-depth research and portfolio construction considerations. Here are some of the key components of how we do it:

Fundhouse, our model portfolio investment partner, conducts in-depth research on fund managers. Through detailed questionnaires and numerous meetings, they evaluate the fund manager’s investment team, the business and its shareholders, their investment approach, investment track record and past investment actions. The result of this rigorous process is a Tier Rating that is assigned to each fund, which is regularly reviewed and updated.  Our model portfolios are constructed of predominantly Tier 1 rated funds, Fundhouse’s highest quality rating.

Whilst we strive to ensure that we are allocating funds to only the highest quality fund managers within the model portfolios, we place equal importance on how we blend fund managers together within them. Research shows that investment styles (e.g. value, growth etc.) tend to cyclically outperform one another over different time horizons. Because we don’t know which fund manager’s investment style is going to work best over our investor’s time horizon, we blend fund managers that use different investment styles together to create style-diversified model portfolios. So regardless of the future that does materialise, our portfolios will have commensurate exposure to the winning investment style.

Where possible, we aim to allocate at least 20% of the portfolio to passive investments. We view this as the “core” of the portfolio, which is complemented by selected index-agnostic, style-specific active investment managers that we believe can achieve market beating returns (alpha) over the long term.

Fundamental to constructing a model portfolio is the decision to use a building block or multi-asset approach in determining its asset class allocation. In a building block approach, the discretionary investment manager decides on the overall asset allocation of the portfolio. In a multi-asset approach, the underlying fund manager has discretion to move across asset classes.

Across our range of models, we typically use a multi-asset approach for the conservative portfolios and a building block approach for the growth oriented portfolios.

For the conservative portfolios, we believe the unique (and often contrasting) asset class allocation decisions being made by the various underlying unit trust fund managers will help smooth out the investment return profiles of the portfolios.

Conversely, for the growth oriented portfolios, we believe sticking faithfully to the strategic asset class allocation (which the building block approach enables), maximises returns over the long-term.

Our model portfolios typically charge a discretionary investment management fee of between 0.2% per annum and 0.4% per annum. Whilst we believe the various benefits of model portfolios far outweighs this fee, we actively strive to reduce the all-in cost the end-investor pays when using the models. Some of these initiatives include:
  • Utilizing a passive core within the models, which brings down the weighted average investment management fee
  • Using our scale to negotiate discounted investment management fees from the underlying unit trust fund managers we use in the models
If an advisor wishes to access our models for their clients via the Sanlam Glacier platform, we can facilitate a material reduction in platform fees

In total, we manage 14 distinct model portfolios across the risk spectrum, each designed to meet a specific investment objective. Our portfolios are segmented into Conventional and Ethical variants, the primary difference being that Ethical portfolios comprise of largely Shariah Compliant underlying investment funds.

Retirement Savings

This is a low risk portfolio which uses a conservative allocation to growth investments to achieve its objectives. The portfolio is generally aimed at the risk averse investor, or those investors with a short time horizon (3 years or less). The fund manager aims to specifically minimise capital drawdowns over rolling 12 month periods. Focus is given to minimising portfolio costs as an efficient way to enhance the net yield to clients. The portfolio is able to invest up to 30% offshore, however is cognisant of the additional volatility which the currency exposure brings to the portfolio.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 3% per annum over rolling 3 year periods
  • Consistent and moderate level of real capital growth
  • Moderate income generation
  • Low levels of capital volatility and drawdowns


RISK PROFILE: This portfolio has a low risk profile which is geared towards minimising capital drawdown, but may experience periods of negative performance due to currency and capital volatility.

This is a long term portfolio for investors wishing to save for retirement through a diversified portfolio. It aims to have maximum exposure to growth assets within the Regulation 28 limits, enabling it to target maximum returns while still being compliant with the Pension Funds Act. The portfolio is suited to investors with long term time horizons, aiming to optimise their risk/return tradeoff over rolling 5 year periods.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 6% per annum over rolling 5 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is a long term portfolio which is diversified across asset classes aiming to provide investors with high risk-adjusted returns.

Income Drawdown

This portfolio is designed for income-drawing clients not restricted to Regulation 28 rules that require a moderate to high level of real capital growth over time. The portfolio is designed to have relatively low drawdowns to protect the capital base. A maximum of 5% per annum of income drawings is recommended. Specific attention is given to risk management, diversification and income generation as meaningful sources of return.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 5% per annum over rolling 5 year periods
  • Suited to investors drawing income
  • Moderate level of real capital growth
  • Moderate income generation
  • Lower capital drawdowns than a typical balanced fund


RISK PROFILE: This is a moderate risk portfolio which is diversified across asset classes to provide investors with good risk-adjusted returns. The portfolio prioritises income generation and will typically have lower volatility and drawdowns than an average balanced fund.

Long-Term Growth

This portfolio has been constructed to maximise capital growth to investors through investment in local and offshore equities. Listed property will also be utilised and there will be minimal amounts of cash held over time. Globally, the portfolio may invest in both developed and emerging market equities to maximise returns, and as such total volatility levels will be high, with potential for substantial capital drawdowns. Returns are earned in Rands, so the offshore holdings will also experience currency volatility.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to growth assets.

This portfolio has been constructed to maximise capital growth to investors through investment in local equities. There will be minimal amounts of cash held over time, as such total volatility levels will be high, with potential for substantial capital drawdowns.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to growth assets.

This is an equity growth fund which delivers real returns to clients through exposure to offshore equity and property in both developed and emerging markets. The aim of the portfolio is to generate high levels of capital growth over long term investment horizons. The returns are generated in Rands, and as such investors are exposed to the fluctuations of the Rand where a weakening rand serves to boost local returns. The risk profile of the portfolio is high as a consequence of the currency volatility and underlying asset class holdings.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to global growth assets and currency exposure.

This portfolio is designed to deliver capital growth to clients over a long term time horizon through property exposure. It has an aggressive allocation to growth assets, where up to 100% of the portfolio will typically be invested in property. The portfolio will hold offshore exposure to enhance returns and diversify risk over regions. The aggressive return target could introduce periods of high volatility over the short term.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 5% per annum over rolling 5+ year periods
  • Income generated through property fund distributions


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio that will be fully invested in property over time. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to offshore assets.

Income Drawdown

This portfolio is designed for income-drawing clients not restricted to Regulation 28 rules that require a moderate to high level of real capital growth over time. The portfolio is designed to have relatively low drawdowns to protect the capital base. A maximum of 5% per annum of income drawings is recommended. Specific attention is given to risk management, diversification and income generation as meaningful sources of return.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 5% per annum over rolling 5 year periods
  • Suited to investors drawing income
  • Moderate level of real capital growth
  • Moderate income generation
  • Lower capital drawdowns than a typical balanced fund

RISK PROFILE: This is a moderate risk portfolio which is diversified across asset classes to provide investors with good risk-adjusted returns. The portfolio prioritises income generation and will typically have lower volatility and drawdowns than an average balanced fund.

This portfolio has been constructed to maximise capital growth to investors through investment in local equities. There will be minimal amounts of cash held over time, as such total volatility levels will be high, with potential for substantial capital drawdowns.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to growth assets.

Long-Term Growth

This portfolio has been constructed to maximise capital growth to investors through investment in local and offshore equities. Listed property will also be utilised and there will be minimal amounts of cash over time. Globally the portfolio may invest in both developed and emerging market equities to maximise returns, and as such total volatility levels will be high, with potential for substantial capital drawdowns. Returns are earned in Rands, so the offshore holdings will also experience currency volatility.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to growth assets.

This portfolio aims to deliver long term capital growth to SA domiciled investors. It does so through an equity focus, both local and offshore. The portfolio will at times aim to manage risk through investment in other asset classes such as bonds, cash and property, but will typically be majority invested in equities. It aims for an aggressive return target, and as such may experience periods of high volatility.


Model Objectives

  • Aims to achieve inflation plus 7% per annum over rolling 7 year periods
  • High level of real capital growth
  • Low levels of income generation


RISK PROFILE: This is an aggressive, long term portfolio with a full allocation to growth assets. This will result in periods of higher volatility introduced by the asset allocation and exposure to growth assets.